.. _whatsnew_135: Version 1.3.5 ----------------- - GridSearchCV support - Added new abstract BPtSearchCV class. - Added in if search_type = 'grid' will try and convert parameters to grid search compatible, and use on the backend sklearn's GridSearchCV. - n_jobs will propagate correctly. - Replaced LGBM with BPtLGBM - Replaces LGBMRegressor and Classifier with BPtLGBMRegressor and BPtLGBMClassifier. - These classes act as wrappers which automatically pass categorical features to the LGBM fit. - These classes also allow setting parameters 'early_stopping_rounds' and 'eval_split'. - Update Nevergrad version - Update to nevergrad version 0.4.2.post5 - Warning: The list of available search types may be a little out of date. - New CV_Split class - This can be used for passing single splits - New parameter fix_n_wrapper_jobs for Loader - This parameter allows setting a fixed number of jobs for the Loading Wrapper. - In the future a better system for fixing n_jobs may be added. - Fix/Change internal representation for Scope Models + Transformers - Introduce new internal classes for ScopeModel + ScopeTransformer. - These classes fixed a few existing bugs, and should make behavior moving forward more consistent. - Fix bug with Loader transform_df - Fixed a bug with the transform_df function for Loaders. - This resulted in a error with computing feature importances for data loaded with a Loader. - Better pipeline names - When using sklearn verbose, or inspecting models, a few names have been changed to look better / be more informative.