.. _whatsnew_200: .. currentmodule:: BPt Version 2.0.0 --------------- - Big Change: New :class:`Dataset` class - This new Dataset class is designed to fully replace the old system of loading via the BPt_ML class. - This new system is designed to be more flexible than the old system. - Most of the old functionality is ported over, and various new functionality added. - Big Change: New evaluate method - Instead of previous BPt_ML.Evaluate, now various function are provided instead e.g., :func:`evaluate` - Introduce new returned flexible class from :func:`evaluate` called :class:`BPtEvaluator`. - Updates to the project documentation - With replacing the BPt_ML class, large amounts of the documentation was replaced and updated. - Moved to new pandas style documentation. - Class name changes - Input classes with _'s have been replaced with versions without underscores, e.g., Problem_Spec to :class:`ProblemSpec`. - Better support with sklearn - Now a number of functions can be passed also in native scikit-learn style syntax. - More tests - More tests across all pieces of the project. - Changed from nosetests to pytest. - Added github actions CI to automatically run tests. - Removed Values_Subset class - Now the ValueSubset class replaces this functionality, and more generally the feature of creating overlaps of column values on the fly is depreciated. - Removed AutoGluon support - Too difficult to manage dependencies, removed for now this previous feature. - More! - Given the scope of this update, not all of the changes and fixes can be listed here.