.. _Transformers: ************ Transformers ************ Different base obj choices for the :class:`Transformer` are shown below The exact str indicator, as passed to the `obj` param is represented by the sub-heading (within "") Additionally, a link to the original models documentation as well as the implemented parameter distributions are shown. "pca" ***** Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.PCA` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only 1. "pca var search" :: n_components: Scalar(init=0.75, lower=0.1, upper=0.99).set_mutation(sigma=0.14833333333333334).set_bounds(full_range_sampling=False, lower=0.1, upper=0.99) svd_solver: 'full' "sparse pca" ************ Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.SparsePCA` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only "mini batch sparse pca" *********************** Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.MiniBatchSparsePCA` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only "factor analysis" ***************** Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.FactorAnalysis` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only "dictionary learning" ********************* Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.DictionaryLearning` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only "mini batch dictionary learning" ******************************** Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.MiniBatchDictionaryLearning` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only "fast ica" ********** Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.FastICA` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only "incremental pca" ***************** Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.IncrementalPCA` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only "kernel pca" ************ Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.KernelPCA` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only "nmf" ***** Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.NMF` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only "truncated svd" *************** Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD` Param Distributions 0. "default" :: defaults only "one hot encoder" ***************** Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder` Param Distributions 0. "ohe" :: sparse: False handle_unknown: 'ignore' "dummy coder" ************* Base Class Documentation: :class:`sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder` Param Distributions 0. "dummy code" :: sparse: False drop: 'first' handle_unknown: 'error'