Cite BPt#

If you use the brain predictability toolbox in a paper, please cite the paper referencing the project.

The paper can be found at: or


Hahn, Sage, et al. "Brain Predictability toolbox: a Python library for neuroimaging-based machine learning." Bioinformatics.


Hahn, S., Yuan, D. K., Thompson, W. K., Owens, M., Allgaier, N., & Garavan, H. Brain Predictability toolbox: a Python library for neuroimaging-based machine learning. Bioinformatics.


Hahn, Sage, De Kang Yuan, Wesley K. Thompson, Max Owens, Nicholas Allgaier, and Hugh Garavan. "Brain Predictability toolbox: a Python library for neuroimaging-based machine learning." Bioinformatics.


Hahn, S., Yuan, D.K., Thompson, W.K., Owens, M., Allgaier, N. and Garavan, H., Brain Predictability toolbox: a Python library for neuroimaging-based machine learning. Bioinformatics.


Hahn S, Yuan DK, Thompson WK, Owens M, Allgaier N, Garavan H. Brain Predictability toolbox: a Python library for neuroimaging-based machine learning. Bioinformatics.


Depending on what functions of the library you used, you may also wish to cite scikit-learn or related projects / methods papers accordingly.