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The latest stable version of BPt can be found and installed through pip the python packaging system.

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The latest development version of BPt can also optionally be installed from github directly.

Python version#

This library is only tested on python versions 3.7+ so while 3.6 might work, for the most reliable performance please use higher versions of python!

Extra Libraries#

BPt has a number of other optional requirements, then when installed allow using more default options. These are not added as required libraries for a few reasons, either to keep the number of dependencies down, or because sometimes installation of these libraries is non-trivial.

The different extension libraries can be downloaded with

pip install brain-pred-toolbox[extra]

Though note, some may not download properly via pip depending on your operating system.

Different extension libraries are listed below:


This is a library by the same maintainers as BPt. It is designed to be less ML specific, but still contains some useful utilites for neuroimaging ML. See sahahn/neurotools.


This is a library designed to perform extreme gradient boosting. It is offered under Models under reserved keys ‘light gbm’ and ‘lgbm’. See if having trouble installing through pip.


This is a library dedicated to doing ML for neuroimaging, if installed it allows use of BPt.extensions.SingleConnectivityMeasure.


This library is required to use the save_file option of BPt.Dataset.summary() and BPt.util.save_docx_table(). It is used for saving tables in docx format.


This is another library for performing extreme gradient boosting. It is offered under Models.


There is experimental support through the BPt extensions for using objects like CCA from the multi-vew learn library, mvlearn.


There is experimental support for the use of some ensembles methods from library imblearn. These are ensembles that ensure bagging is done in a class-balanced manner.