Plotting from ROI names#
In this simple example, we have a pandas series with a mix of cortical and subcortical features, that we want to plot.
from neurotools.plotting.ref import SurfRef, VolRef
from neurotools.plotting import plot
import pandas as pd
rois = pd.read_csv('rois.csv', sep='\t')
Feature | masked | |
0 | lh_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant | 0.0 |
1 | rh_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant | 0.0 |
2 | lh_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant | 0.0 |
3 | rh_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant | 0.0 |
4 | | 0.0 |
... | ... | ... |
164 | rh_subcort.aseg_putamen | 0.0 |
165 | lh_subcort.aseg_thalamus.proper | 0.0 |
166 | rh_subcort.aseg_thalamus.proper | 0.0 |
167 | lh_subcort.aseg_ventraldc | 0.0 |
168 | rh_subcort.aseg_ventraldc | 0.0 |
169 rows × 2 columns
First, let’s handle the cortical features:
# Initialize a surface reference that we will use
# to extract hemisphere plotting values, we must supply the name
# of the parcellation here.
surf_ref = SurfRef(space='fsaverage5', parc='destr', verbose=1)
# Get the values to plot for left and right hemispheres
# Specifying only keys with .destrieux_g.
to_plot = surf_ref.get_hemis_plot_vals(rois, i_keys=['.destrieux_g.'])
# Plot just cortical
Auto determined keys as lh_key=('lh_', 'start'), rh_key=('rh_', 'start').
Start get plot vals for hemi=lh
Start get plot vals for hemi=rh

Next, let’s extract just the subcortical features
# Similar to surface ref, we specify a volume reference, and extract the values needed
vol_ref = VolRef(space='mni_1mm', parc='aseg')
vol = vol_ref.get_plot_vals(rois, i_keys=['.aseg_'])
# Plot just the volume
plot(vol, threshold=.01)

What if we want to plot them together?
# Add vol info to to_plot dict
to_plot['vol'] = vol
['lh', 'rh', 'vol']
# And use magic plot function
plot(to_plot, threshold=.01)