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Ensemble Results by Pipeline

We break down just the ensemble based multiple parcellation results here as both intra and inter pipeline (corresponding to the top and bottom of the figure below).

By Pipeline

These results are interesting when contrasted with the same single parcellation results by pipeline.


Click Here for a fullscreen version of the plot.

Note: You can watch an animation of how specific results change with with different pipelines. You can also hover over specific data points to find out more information. You can also find a version of the interactive plot with non log10 axis here.

The pattern of the intra ensemble stays fairly consistent across pipelines. One interesting trait is that the LGBM based pipeline exhibits the steepest scaling slope.


When looking at inter-pipeline differences, we focus first on just a comparison between the base three pipelines, excluding the ‘All’ ensembles for now. Formula: log10(Mean_Rank) ~ log10(Size) * C(Pipeline)

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Mean_Rank R-squared: 0.828
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.826
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 364.3
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 Prob (F-statistic): 4.23e-142

coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 2.9596 0.060 49.020 0.000 2.841 3.078
C(Pipeline)[T.LGBM] 0.5425 0.085 6.354 0.000 0.375 0.710
C(Pipeline)[T.SVM] 0.7116 0.085 8.334 0.000 0.544 0.879
Size -0.2042 0.018 -11.173 0.000 -0.240 -0.168
Size:C(Pipeline)[T.LGBM] -0.1476 0.026 -5.711 0.000 -0.198 -0.097
Size:C(Pipeline)[T.SVM] -0.2637 0.026 -10.201 0.000 -0.315 -0.213


We can conclude here that the SVM based ensembles of pipelines outperforms the Elastic-Net and LGBM based ensembles. That said, the differential performance is not quite as large as we saw earlier in the simmilar inter-pipeline single parcellation comparison.

All Intra-Pipeline

Included below is an interactive intra-pipeline visualization including results across both the single parcellations and multiple parcellations Click Here for a fullscreen version of the plot.