Version 1.3.5#
- GridSearchCV support
Added new abstract BPtSearchCV class.
Added in if search_type = ‘grid’ will try and convert parameters to grid search compatible, and use on the backend sklearn’s GridSearchCV.
n_jobs will propagate correctly.
- Replaced LGBM with BPtLGBM
Replaces LGBMRegressor and Classifier with BPtLGBMRegressor and BPtLGBMClassifier.
These classes act as wrappers which automatically pass categorical features to the LGBM fit.
These classes also allow setting parameters ‘early_stopping_rounds’ and ‘eval_split’.
- Update Nevergrad version
Update to nevergrad version 0.4.2.post5
Warning: The list of available search types may be a little out of date.
- New CV_Split class
This can be used for passing single splits
- New parameter fix_n_wrapper_jobs for Loader
This parameter allows setting a fixed number of jobs for the Loading Wrapper.
In the future a better system for fixing n_jobs may be added.
- Fix/Change internal representation for Scope Models + Transformers
Introduce new internal classes for ScopeModel + ScopeTransformer.
These classes fixed a few existing bugs, and should make behavior moving forward more consistent.
- Fix bug with Loader transform_df
Fixed a bug with the transform_df function for Loaders.
This resulted in a error with computing feature importances for data loaded with a Loader.
- Better pipeline names
When using sklearn verbose, or inspecting models, a few names have been changed to look better / be more informative.