Predict Stop Signal Response Time (SSRT)#

This notebook uses stop signal task fMRI data derived contrasts from the ABCD study to predict stop signal response time (SSRT). This is an example of a regression type machine learning, and additionally includes an extra example of how to plot ROIs feature importance on brain surfaces from nilearn.

Loading Data#

We will be loading data from is essentially a big csv file with all the different columns, some slightly processed, from the ABCD DEAP rds (saved r dataframe). The benefit of this approach is that while a little slow, we can just load any column of interest easily as a dataframe.

import BPt as bp
import pandas as pd
def load_from_rds(names, eventname='baseline_year_1_arm_1'):

    data = pd.read_csv('data/nda_rds_201.csv',
                       usecols=['src_subject_id', 'eventname'] + names,
                       na_values=['777', 999, '999', 777])

    data = data.loc[data[data['eventname'] == eventname].index]
    data = data.set_index('src_subject_id')
    data = data.drop('eventname', axis=1)

    return data
# This way we can look at all column available
all_cols = list(pd.read_csv('data/nda_rds_201.csv', nrows=0))
# Use python list comprehensions to get lists of the column names of interest
contrasts = ['tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_',

parcs = ['.destrieux', '_subcort.aseg']

data_cols = [col for col in all_cols
             if any([ct for ct in contrasts if ct in col])
             and any([p for p in parcs if p in col])] + ['sex']
target_col = ['tfmri_sst_all_beh_total_mean.rt']
# Load the actual data from the saved csv
df = load_from_rds(data_cols + target_col)
# Cast from a dataframe to BPt Dataset class
data = bp.Dataset(df)

# Obsificate subject ID for public example
data.index = list(range(len(data)))

# Set optional verbosity of
data.verbose = 1
data = data.drop_cols(exclusions=['.ventricle', '_csf', '.white.matter'], scope='_subcort.aseg')
Dropped 27 Columns

Data in BPt can have one of three roles, these are ‘data’ by default, ‘target’ for variable to predict, and ‘non input’ for variables which we don’t use directly as input features. We set ‘sex’ as non input in this example.

data = data.set_role('sex', 'non input')
data = data.set_role(target_col, 'target')
Dropped 6 Rows


tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.lh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.rh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.lh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.rh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.frontomargin.lh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.frontomargin.rh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.occipital.inf.lh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.occipital.inf.rh ... tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_pallidum.lh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_pallidum.rh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_putamen.lh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_putamen.rh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_thalamus.proper.lh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_thalamus.proper.rh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_ventraldc.lh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_ventraldc.rh
0 0.168032 0.153849 0.045860 0.023883 0.081824 0.015926 0.142664 0.035705 -0.169860 -0.128688 ... -0.036716 0.052883 -0.006478 -0.025535 0.030901 -0.022286 0.091828 0.158497 0.101536 0.234851
1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 0.052402 0.101880 0.111399 0.124650 0.113433 0.125727 0.579317 0.611870 0.224255 0.343618 ... -0.070160 0.097003 0.026871 0.191424 0.026224 0.036808 0.091165 0.044027 0.071074 0.042021
3 -0.092771 0.007574 0.182024 0.115439 0.096595 0.096851 0.289666 -0.129820 0.188761 0.178344 ... 0.342260 -0.114128 -0.097753 -0.082544 -0.145369 -0.187083 -0.159170 -0.113892 -0.242210 -0.175904
4 -0.144128 -0.074626 -0.001618 0.142387 0.241128 0.227172 -0.141231 0.475396 0.573906 1.363352 ... -0.183606 -0.118741 -0.055955 0.046954 -0.018277 0.092319 0.053306 0.060963 0.116601 -0.102220
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
11870 -0.103273 -0.060990 0.008791 0.186439 0.059300 0.047829 0.130752 0.184572 0.100078 0.049040 ... 0.010403 -0.149049 -0.024082 0.016314 -0.045987 -0.090321 0.066490 0.055350 0.022404 0.095318
11871 -0.060443 -0.123368 -0.024308 -0.122978 -0.143336 -0.098973 0.327409 0.055603 -0.203490 -0.129804 ... -0.168353 0.058014 -0.080418 0.080907 -0.095893 -0.069077 0.009947 0.034421 0.007450 -0.075879
11872 0.012809 0.010143 0.012343 -0.006711 -0.072679 -0.084823 -0.203417 -0.210167 -0.270940 -0.143613 ... -0.044618 0.116003 0.264322 0.134182 0.323175 0.366650 0.254944 0.388157 0.411429 0.312342
11873 0.164396 0.202513 0.376726 0.257396 0.371823 0.123384 0.507308 0.788963 0.260868 0.246349 ... 0.538963 -0.930948 -0.225716 -0.347940 -0.305339 -0.380956 -0.123154 -0.251212 -0.270063 -0.336481
11874 0.116179 0.136342 -0.045182 0.180420 0.341190 -0.183304 0.914101 1.593521 0.295187 2.117747 ... -0.322345 -0.053627 0.089375 -0.217486 -0.092425 -0.142340 0.049234 -0.110444 0.205795 0.036157

11869 rows × 507 columns


0 303.070588
1 NaN
2 207.210728
3 241.179775
4 391.927948
... ...
11870 169.889647
11871 335.764988
11872 332.246959
11873 358.591304
11874 210.954955

11869 rows × 1 columns

Non Input

0 F
1 F
2 M
3 M
4 M
... ...
11870 M
11871 F
11872 F
11873 F
11874 F

11869 rows × 1 columns

# Cast sex as a binary variable
data.to_binary('sex', inplace=True)
0        0
1        0
2        1
3        1
4        1
11870    1
11871    0
11872    0
11873    0
11874    0
Name: sex, Length: 11869, dtype: category
Categories (2, int64): [0 < 1]
# Let's drop all missing data
(8847, 509)

We can filter outliers from the data columns but also the target columns, essentially every ‘float’ type column.

data = data.filter_outliers_by_std(n_std=10, scope='float')
Dropped 327 Rows

We can also plot individual variables

data.plot(scope='sex', subjects='all', decode_values=True, count=True)
sex: 8520 rows

Define a train-test split#

What if we wanted to define a train-test split? But also do it according to some criteria, say stratifying by sex?

# First define a CVStrategy that says stratify by sex
sex_strat = bp.CVStrategy(stratify='sex')
# Apply the test_split
data = data.set_test_split(size=.2, cv_strategy=sex_strat, random_state=2)
Performing test split on: 8520 subjects.
random_state: 2
Test split size: 0.2

Performed train/test split
Train size: 6816
Test size:  1704


tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.lh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.rh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.lh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.rh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.frontomargin.lh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.frontomargin.rh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.occipital.inf.lh tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.occipital.inf.rh ... tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_pallidum.lh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_pallidum.rh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_putamen.lh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_putamen.rh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_thalamus.proper.lh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_thalamus.proper.rh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_ventraldc.lh tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_ventraldc.rh
0 0.168032 0.153849 0.045860 0.023883 0.081824 0.015926 0.142664 0.035705 -0.169860 -0.128688 ... -0.036716 0.052883 -0.006478 -0.025535 0.030901 -0.022286 0.091828 0.158497 0.101536 0.234851
2 0.052402 0.101880 0.111399 0.124650 0.113433 0.125727 0.579317 0.611870 0.224255 0.343618 ... -0.070160 0.097003 0.026871 0.191424 0.026224 0.036808 0.091165 0.044027 0.071074 0.042021
3 -0.092771 0.007574 0.182024 0.115439 0.096595 0.096851 0.289666 -0.129820 0.188761 0.178344 ... 0.342260 -0.114128 -0.097753 -0.082544 -0.145369 -0.187083 -0.159170 -0.113892 -0.242210 -0.175904
4 -0.144128 -0.074626 -0.001618 0.142387 0.241128 0.227172 -0.141231 0.475396 0.573906 1.363352 ... -0.183606 -0.118741 -0.055955 0.046954 -0.018277 0.092319 0.053306 0.060963 0.116601 -0.102220
5 -0.243239 -0.152293 -0.078217 -0.061314 -0.044547 -0.096233 0.298622 -0.083202 -0.082675 -0.071584 ... 0.015237 0.129581 0.222719 0.122448 0.244788 0.159455 0.342455 0.230097 0.133497 0.230591
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
11870 -0.103273 -0.060990 0.008791 0.186439 0.059300 0.047829 0.130752 0.184572 0.100078 0.049040 ... 0.010403 -0.149049 -0.024082 0.016314 -0.045987 -0.090321 0.066490 0.055350 0.022404 0.095318
11871 -0.060443 -0.123368 -0.024308 -0.122978 -0.143336 -0.098973 0.327409 0.055603 -0.203490 -0.129804 ... -0.168353 0.058014 -0.080418 0.080907 -0.095893 -0.069077 0.009947 0.034421 0.007450 -0.075879
11872 0.012809 0.010143 0.012343 -0.006711 -0.072679 -0.084823 -0.203417 -0.210167 -0.270940 -0.143613 ... -0.044618 0.116003 0.264322 0.134182 0.323175 0.366650 0.254944 0.388157 0.411429 0.312342
11873 0.164396 0.202513 0.376726 0.257396 0.371823 0.123384 0.507308 0.788963 0.260868 0.246349 ... 0.538963 -0.930948 -0.225716 -0.347940 -0.305339 -0.380956 -0.123154 -0.251212 -0.270063 -0.336481
11874 0.116179 0.136342 -0.045182 0.180420 0.341190 -0.183304 0.914101 1.593521 0.295187 2.117747 ... -0.322345 -0.053627 0.089375 -0.217486 -0.092425 -0.142340 0.049234 -0.110444 0.205795 0.036157

8520 rows × 507 columns

6816 rows × 507 columns - Train Set

1704 rows × 507 columns - Test Set


0 303.070588
2 207.210728
3 241.179775
4 391.927948
5 287.037037
... ...
11870 169.889647
11871 335.764988
11872 332.246959
11873 358.591304
11874 210.954955

8520 rows × 1 columns

6816 rows × 1 columns - Train Set

1704 rows × 1 columns - Test Set

Non Input

0 0
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
... ...
11870 1
11871 0
11872 0
11873 0
11874 0

8520 rows × 1 columns

6816 rows × 1 columns - Train Set

1704 rows × 1 columns - Test Set

Define an ML Pipeline#

# Let's define a Pipeline, first by creating a series of based objects

# Standard Scaling
scaler = bp.Scaler('standard', scope='float')

# Ridge Regression model
ridge = bp.Model('ridge', params=1)

# Parameter search strategy,
# using different evolution and a custom nested
# CV strategy.
search = bp.ParamSearch(search_type='DE',

pipe = bp.Pipeline([scaler, ridge], param_search=search)
Pipeline(param_search=ParamSearch(cv=CV(cv_strategy=CVStrategy(), n_repeats=5,
                                  n_iter=60, search_type='DE'),
         steps=[Scaler(obj='standard'), Model(obj='ridge', params=1)])

Evaluating an ML Pipeline#

# We can store some commonly used parameters in this
# ProblemSpec object. Though note, problem_type and scorer can both be automatically
# detected and set.
spec = bp.ProblemSpec(problem_type='regression',
                      scorer=['r2', 'explained_variance', 'neg_mean_squared_error'],
results = bp.evaluate(pipeline=pipe,
                      subjects='train', # This line is important! It says we only want to evaluate on the train set
mean_scores = {'r2': 0.07958835201902088, 'explained_variance': 0.07967997124605375, 'neg_mean_squared_error': -6010.648630526718}
std_scores = {'r2': 0.011299061390542244, 'explained_variance': 0.01136276831924015, 'neg_mean_squared_error': 69.94297102088669}

Saved Attributes: ['estimators', 'preds', 'timing', 'train_subjects', 'val_subjects', 'feat_names', 'ps', 'mean_scores', 'std_scores', 'weighted_mean_scores', 'scores', 'fis_', 'coef_']

Available Methods: ['get_preds_dfs', 'get_fis', 'get_coef_', 'permutation_importance']

Evaluated with:
ProblemSpec(n_jobs=8, problem_type='regression', random_state=51,
            scorer={'explained_variance': make_scorer(explained_variance_score),
                    'neg_mean_squared_error': make_scorer(mean_squared_error, greater_is_better=False),
                    'r2': make_scorer(r2_score)},
            subjects='train', target='tfmri_sst_all_beh_total_mean.rt')
# Helper to get mean feature importances, in this case beta weights
tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.lh         0.076272
tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.rh        -0.028153
tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.lh     0.595893
tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.rh    -0.645362   -0.886834
tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_putamen.rh                3.186791
tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_thalamus.proper.lh       -0.889136
tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_thalamus.proper.rh       -1.596109
tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_ventraldc.lh             -1.066655
tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_ventraldc.rh             -1.562604
Length: 507, dtype: float32

Since a train-test split is being employed, there would at this stage likely be some sort of exploration of different pipelines. Or for example exploration with a limited feature set, i.e., what if we only want to try one of the contrasts? We can just specify a scope.

results = bp.evaluate(pipeline=pipe,
mean_scores = {'r2': 0.053080690090447434, 'explained_variance': 0.05310438223298464, 'neg_mean_squared_error': -6184.126688909328}
std_scores = {'r2': 0.002212165117257543, 'explained_variance': 0.00221380524856045, 'neg_mean_squared_error': 64.62224791467456}

Saved Attributes: ['estimators', 'preds', 'timing', 'train_subjects', 'val_subjects', 'feat_names', 'ps', 'mean_scores', 'std_scores', 'weighted_mean_scores', 'scores', 'fis_', 'coef_']

Available Methods: ['get_preds_dfs', 'get_fis', 'get_coef_', 'permutation_importance']

Evaluated with:
ProblemSpec(n_jobs=8, problem_type='regression', random_state=51,
            scorer={'explained_variance': make_scorer(explained_variance_score),
                    'neg_mean_squared_error': make_scorer(mean_squared_error, greater_is_better=False),
                    'r2': make_scorer(r2_score)},
            subjects='train', target='tfmri_sst_all_beh_total_mean.rt')

Or along the same lines, we could also specify a sub-set of subects to evaluate by. We can use two custom input objects for this.

sex_m = bp.ValueSubset('sex', 'M', decode_values=True)
sex_f = bp.ValueSubset('sex', 'F', decode_values=True)

sex_m_train = bp.Intersection(['train', sex_m])
sex_f_train = bp.Intersection(['train', sex_f])

# Look at what this refers to explicitly
len(data.get_subjects(sex_m_train)), len(data.get_subjects(sex_f_train))
(3478, 3338)
results = bp.evaluate(pipeline=pipe,
mean_scores = {'r2': 0.03486167143872121, 'explained_variance': 0.03659108637135574, 'neg_mean_squared_error': -6373.185441366256}
std_scores = {'r2': 0.01002675208760915, 'explained_variance': 0.00893508198483108, 'neg_mean_squared_error': 475.44317569010366}

Saved Attributes: ['estimators', 'preds', 'timing', 'train_subjects', 'val_subjects', 'feat_names', 'ps', 'mean_scores', 'std_scores', 'weighted_mean_scores', 'scores', 'fis_', 'coef_']

Available Methods: ['get_preds_dfs', 'get_fis', 'get_coef_', 'permutation_importance']

Evaluated with:
ProblemSpec(n_jobs=8, problem_type='regression', random_state=51,
            scorer={'explained_variance': make_scorer(explained_variance_score),
                    'neg_mean_squared_error': make_scorer(mean_squared_error, greater_is_better=False),
                    'r2': make_scorer(r2_score)},
            subjects=Intersection(['train', ValueSubset(name=sex, values=M, decode_values=True)]),

Comparing different pipelines#

What if we wanted to explicitly compare results by sex? We have another special objects for that called Compare. Compare will run a seperate evaluate for each Option, where an Option represents a choice.

compare_subjects = bp.Compare([bp.Option(sex_m_train, name='M'),
                               bp.Option(sex_f_train, name='F')])

results = bp.evaluate(pipeline=pipe,

# The returned CompareDict has a special summary method
mean_scores_r2 mean_scores_explained_variance mean_scores_neg_mean_squared_error std_scores_r2 std_scores_explained_variance std_scores_neg_mean_squared_error mean_timing_fit mean_timing_score
M 0.033538 0.035266 -6382.616684 0.010401 0.009289 485.944440 6.773705 0.015207
F 0.055129 0.055459 -6093.100561 0.011371 0.011138 488.356616 6.585156 0.016477

Using the Test Set#

While in practice you might want to explore more options with the train set first, let’s just move on to showing how we could test a final pipeline on the testing set, while training on the full train set.

results = bp.evaluate(pipeline=pipe,
                      scope='all', # Use all three contrasts
                      subjects='all', # Use all subjects, not just train
                      cv='test' # Special argument to train on full train and test on test
mean_scores = {'r2': 0.07868571312388695, 'explained_variance': 0.07878737040163775, 'neg_mean_squared_error': -5905.781152036047}
std_scores = {'r2': 0.0, 'explained_variance': 0.0, 'neg_mean_squared_error': 0.0}

Saved Attributes: ['estimators', 'preds', 'timing', 'train_subjects', 'val_subjects', 'feat_names', 'ps', 'mean_scores', 'std_scores', 'weighted_mean_scores', 'scores', 'fis_', 'coef_']

Available Methods: ['get_preds_dfs', 'get_fis', 'get_coef_', 'permutation_importance']

Evaluated with:
ProblemSpec(n_jobs=8, problem_type='regression', random_state=51,
            scorer={'explained_variance': make_scorer(explained_variance_score),
                    'neg_mean_squared_error': make_scorer(mean_squared_error, greater_is_better=False),
                    'r2': make_scorer(r2_score)},
            subjects='all', target='tfmri_sst_all_beh_total_mean.rt')
fis = results.get_fis(mean=True)
tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.lh         0.096960
tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.rh        -0.067299
tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.lh     0.696026
tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.rh    -0.732170   -1.197480
tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_putamen.rh                3.734274
tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_thalamus.proper.lh       -1.032871
tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_thalamus.proper.rh       -2.059234
tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_ventraldc.lh             -1.065423
tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_beta_subcort.aseg_ventraldc.rh             -1.673626
Length: 507, dtype: float32

Plotting results#

To plot feature importance results we are going to use a different library available at sahahn/Neuro_Plotting, in addition to the library nilearn.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nilearn.plotting import plot_glass_brain, plot_stat_map

# We will use some extra loading functions
from Neuro_Plotting.Ref import SurfRef, VolRef, load_mapping, save_mapping
from Neuro_Plotting.Plot import Plot_Surf, Plot_Surf_Collage, Plot_SurfVol_Collage
# The directory where you install Neuro_Plotting
data_dr = '/home/sage/Neuro_Plotting/data/'
# Need as DataFrame not Series
fis_df = pd.DataFrame(fis).reset_index()
index 0
0 tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort... 0.096960
1 tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort... -0.067299
2 tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort... 0.696026
3 tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort... -0.732170
4 tfmri_sst_all_correct.go.vs.fixation_beta_cort... -1.197480
... ... ...
502 tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_bet... 3.734274
503 tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_bet... -1.032871
504 tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_bet... -2.059234
505 tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_bet... -1.065423
506 tfmri_sst_all_incorrect.stop.vs.correct.go_bet... -1.673626

507 rows × 2 columns

surf_ref = SurfRef(data_dr, space='fsaverage5', parc='destr')

# Get beta weights seperate by contrast and hemisphere
betas = []
for c_key in contrasts:

    b = surf_ref.get_hemis_plot_vals(fis_df,
                                     i_keys=['.destrieux', c_key])
for i in range(len(betas)):
    figure, axes, smf = Plot_Surf_Collage(data = betas[i],
                                          ref = surf_ref,
                                          surf_mesh = 'pial',
                                          bg_map = 'sulc',
                                          view = 'standard',
                                          cmap = 'seismic',
                                          title = contrasts[i],
                                          title_sz = 22,
                                          threshold = 1,
                                          dist= 6.25,
                                          wspace = 0,
                                          hspace = 0,
                                          figsize = (15, 10),
                                          avg_method = 'median',
                                          bg_on_data = True,
                                          alpha = 1,
                                          colorbar = True)

    # Optionally save data
    #plt.savefig(contrast_keys[i] + '.png', dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight')
vol_ref = VolRef(data_dr, space='mni', parc='aseg_2mm')

vols = []
for c_key in contrasts:
    vols.append(vol_ref.get_plot_vals(fis_df, i_keys=['_subcort.aseg', c_key], d_keys=[]))

[<nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image at 0x7f68c84e7880>,
 <nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image at 0x7f688b0250d0>,
 <nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image at 0x7f688953cbe0>]
for i in range(len(contrasts)):
    plot_glass_brain(vols[i], colorbar=True, title=contrasts[i])
    plot_stat_map(vols[i], title=contrasts[i])
[ ]: