
class BPt.Pipe(iterable=(), /)[source]#

The Pipe object is an BPt specific Input wrapper, designed for now to work specifically within Loader. Because loader objects within BPt are designed to work on single files at a time, and further are restricted in that they must go directly from some arbitrary file, shape and charteristics to outputted as a valid 2D (# Subjects X # Features) array, it restricts potential sequential compositions. Pipe offers some utility towards building sequential compositions.

For example, say one had saved 4D neuroimaging fMRI timeseries, and they wanted to first employ a loader to extract timeseries by ROI (with say hyper-parameters defined to select which ROI to use), but then wanted to use another loader to convert the timeseries ROI’s to a correlation matrix, and only then pass along the output as 1D features per subject. In this case, the Pipe wrapper is a great candidate!

Specifically, the pipe wrapper works at the level of defining a specific Loader, where basically you are requesting that the loader you want to use be a Pipeline of a few different loader options, where the loader options are ones compatible in passing input to each other, e.g., the output from fit_transform as called on the ROI extractor is valid input to fit_transform of the Timeseries creator, and lastly the output from fit_transform of the Timeseries creator valid 1D feature array per subjects output.

Consider the example in code below, where we assume that ‘rois’ is the ROI extractor, and ‘timeseries’ is the correlation matrix creator object (where these could be can valid loader str, or custom user passed objects)

loader = Loader(obj = Pipe(['rois', 'timeseries']))

We only passed arguments for obj above, but in our toy example as initially described we wanted to further define parameters for a parameter search across both objects. See below for what different options for passing corresponding parameter distributions are:

# Options loader1 and loader2 tell it explicitly no params

# Special case, if just default params = 0, will convert to 2nd case
loader1 = Loader(obj = Pipe(['rois', 'timeseries']),
                 params = 0)

# You can specify just a matching list
loader2 = Loader(obj = Pipe(['rois', 'timeseries']),
                 params = [0, 0])

# Option 3 assumes that there are pre-defined valid class param dists
# for each of the base objects
loader3 = Loader(obj = Pipe(['rois', 'timeseries']),
                 params = [1, 1])

# Option 4 lets set params for the 'rois' object, w/ custom param dists
loader4 = Loader(obj = Pipe(['rois', 'timeseries']),
                 params = [{'some custom param dist'}, 0])

Note that still only one scope may be passed, and that scope will define the scope of the new combined loader. Also note that if extra_params is passed, the same extra_params will be passed when creating both individual objects. Where extra params behavior is to add its contents, only when the name of that param appears in the base classes init, s.t. there could exist a case where, if both ‘rois’ and ‘timeseries’ base objects had a parameter with the same name, passing a value for that name in extra params would update them both with the passed value.


append(object, /)

Append object to the end of the list.


Remove all items from list.


Return a shallow copy of the list.

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

extend(iterable, /)

Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.

index(value[, start, stop])

Return first index of value.

insert(index, object, /)

Insert object before index.


Remove and return item at index (default last).

remove(value, /)

Remove first occurrence of value.


Reverse IN PLACE.

sort(*[, key, reverse])

Sort the list in ascending order and return None.