
Different base obj choices for the Imputer are shown below The exact str indicator, as passed to the obj param is represented by the sub-heading (within “”) Additionally, a link to the original models documentation as well as the implemented parameter distributions are shown. Note that if the iterative imputer is requested, base_model must also be passed.


Base Class Documentation: sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer

Param Distributions

  1. “mean imp”

    strategy: 'mean'


Base Class Documentation: sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer

Param Distributions

  1. “median imp”

    strategy: 'median'

“most frequent”#

Base Class Documentation: sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer

Param Distributions

  1. “most freq imp”

    strategy: 'most_frequent'


Base Class Documentation: sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer

Param Distributions

  1. “constant imp”

    strategy: 'constant'


Base Class Documentation: sklearn.impute.IterativeImputer

Param Distributions

  1. “iterative imp”

    initial_strategy: 'mean'
    skip_complete: True