These optimizers did not seem to naturally fall into a category. Brief descriptions are listed below.
Estimation of Multivariate Normal Algorithm This algorithm is quite efficient in a parallel context, i.e. when the population size is large.
Test-based population-size adaptation, for noisy problems where the best points will be an average of the final population.
Test-based population-size adaptation Where the best point is the best point, no average across final population.
Noisy bandit simple optimization
Population based incremental learning “Implementation of the discrete algorithm PBIL” https://www.ri.cmu.edu/pub_files/pub1/baluja_shumeet_1994_2/baluja_shumeet_1994_2.pdf
Standard Particle Swarm Optimization, but no randomization of the population order.
Scipy Minimize Base See: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-1.1.0/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.minimize.html Note: does not support multiple jobs at once.
The First order SPSA algorithm, See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simultaneous_perturbation_stochastic_approximation Note: does not support multiple jobs at once.
Combines optimizers, each of them working on their own variables. By default uses CMA and RandomSearch’s
Implementation of the discrete Compact Genetic Algorithm (cGA) https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4b0b/5733894ffc0b2968ddaab15d61751b87847a.pdf
A chaining consists in running algorithm 1 during T1, then algorithm 2 during T2, then algorithm 3 during T3, etc. Each algorithm is fed with what happened before it. This ‘chainCMAPowell’ chains first ‘CMA’ then the ‘Powell’ optimizers. Note: does not support multiple jobs at once.
Experimental Variants#
Nevergrad also comes with a number of Experimental variants, to see all of the different options run:
import nevergrad as ng
import nevergrad.optimization.experimentalvariants
Note: you do not have to run this import to select any of these options, this is just to see the different options.